June 4, 2024 The Mobile Marketer’s Guide to Retargeting

Join FeedMob to explore the future of mobile retargeting in a privacy centric future.

May 7, 2024 The Mobile Marketer’s Guide to Rewarded Play

Rewarded play. Play-to-earn. Incent. Whatever you call it, mobile gamers love it. Ads that reward players for their engagement are a win-win for everyone involved, including the advertisers. Increasingly, smart app owners and mobile advertisers are finding new ways to use the dynamic that rewarded ads set up to encourage user acquisition (UA) and drive long-term engagement. That often comes in the form of Rewarded Play, which keeps users coming back for more to earn

April 9, 2024 The Mobile Marketer’s Guide to Incent Campaigns

Dive into the details of Rewarded Play to learn how to enhance your app’s retention rates.

March 5, 2024 The Mobile Marketer’s Guide to Owned and Operated (O+O) Media

Learn how O+O provides a SKAN-friendly targeted experience for mobile UA marketers.

February 20, 2024 Combining SKAN and MMP Data to Build Better Campaigns

Learn how combining your SKAN and MMP data can change your outcomes.

February 6, 2024 The Mobile Marketer’s Guide to OEM Placements

Get the low-down on OEM placements and how to make them work for your app marketing needs.

January 23, 2024 The Mobile Marketer’s Guide to Programmatic Networks

Get to know Programmatic Networks before exploring mobile UA outside of search and social.

January 9, 2024 FeedMob’s Mobile Ad Supply: Insights from 2023

Get a look at how CPA impacted mobile ad supply trends from 2023.

December 18, 2023 How to Lower CPA

Learn how to lower CPA with a diverse media mix and expert help from UA professionals.

November 14, 2023 ASO Outside of the Box

Explore five tips to improve ASO and your organic UA, and how FeedMob helped one client top the App Store charts.

October 17, 2023 Rewarded Ads Are For More than Just Gaming Apps

Learn how to use rewarded ads to improve UA and down funnels actions, no matter your vertical.

September 19, 2023 All About CTV and Ad Fraud

Learn everything you need to know about CTV and ad fraud with this simple guide from FeedMob.

September 5, 2023 Why Mobile Marketers Are Talking About Incrementality (Again)

Explore the meaning and benefits of incrementality to enhance your mobile growth campaigns.

August 22, 2023 CTV Attribution Explained

Get CTV attribution right to drive mobile performance. Learn what you need to know with this guide.

July 18, 2023 How to Find the Right Performance Agency or Consultant

Follow these steps to find the right performance agency to fit your team’s needs.

July 13, 2023 What We’ve Learned About Google’s Privacy Sandbox

Find out what Vanessa Simmons learned at a recent Google Privacy Sandbox training.

June 20, 2023 Diversifying Campaigns with Mobile DSPs

Learn how diversifying your growth campaigns with mobile DSPs can help reinvigorate stagnant growth.

May 16, 2023 How to Run a Proper CPA Campaign

Learn how FeedMob helps clients de-risk their CPA spend, while building more effective campaigns.

April 18, 2023 Apple’s SKAdNetwork Two Years In

Get an update on where we’re at after two years of working with SKAN.

March 21, 2023 Beware of CPA: 5 Tips to Spot Fraud in Mobile Affiliates

Learn how to spot trustworthy mobile affiliate partners with five tips from FeedMob’s mobile performance experts.

February 21, 2023 View-Through Attribution: A Critical Component to Understanding Mobile UA Campaigns

VTA is critical to understanding mobile UA campaigns. Explore how VTA works, its accuracy, and why it’s important.

December 6, 2022 How to Advocate for a Bigger Testing Budget

Learn how to ask for — and get — a bigger testing budget with these strategic questions and tips from FeedMob.

November 15, 2022 Finding High ROAS Sports Betting Users Outside of Search and Social

Learn how FeedMob helped a sports betting app drive down CPAs while finding high-value users.

October 18, 2022 Best Practices for SKAN Campaigns

Senior Ad Ops manager, Vanessa Simmons, weighs in with her tips on budgeting for SKAN campaigns on iOS.

September 20, 2022 How to Decrease CPAs with DSP Traffic

Get a sneak peek inside FeedMob’s latest FinTech case study, and learn about decreasing CPAs using DSP traffic.

September 6, 2022 Q&A: How Mobile Performance Marketing is Changing Outside of the Duopoly

FeedMob’s Director of Operations and Strategy, Gabe de la Cruz, weighs in on the changes he is seeing in mobile performance .

August 22, 2022 Three FinTech UA Trends to Keep an Eye On

Learn which supply types FeedMob’s FinTech clients are taking advantage of to achieve their growth goals.

August 9, 2022 Managing Performance Budgets Outside of Search & Social

Operating in a dynamic — and sometimes volatile market — seems to be becoming the norm for app marketers. After making it through the early days of the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown, app marketers had to adjust to the changes Apple and App Tracking Transparency (ATT) brought their way. Now an uncertain economic client is throwing new challenges at marketing departments. Even as pressures mount, so do performance expectations. Making the most of a

July 26, 2022 SKAN Testing Results from FeedMob

FeedMob has been testing SKAN with clients. Explore what we have learned through these experiments.

July 12, 2022 FeedMob’s MMP SKAdNetwork Attribution Flows

Mobile attribution was already mystifying for many UA marketers, but we are demystifying how it works. Learn more.

June 21, 2022 What’s Still Working on iOS

FeedMob clients are not only still seeing iOS success, but some are even testing the SKAN waters. Learn more.

June 16, 2022 Mobile Performance Trends Outside of Search and Social: Before and After ATT

In our new whitepaper, we explore the spend and mobile performance trends we have seen over the past year, in hopes of helping mobile marketers develop a growth strategy post-ATT.

June 7, 2022 Why App Marketers Are Turning to Mobile Web Campaigns

Learn how and why FeedMob clients are making mobile web campaigns part of their user acquisition strategies in 2022.

May 3, 2022 Looking Beyond Search and Social for App Growth

User acquisition (UA) marketers are spending big to drive installs and there is no sign budgets will decrease anytime soon. Much of this money will be spent on Google and Facebook ads, and in other social media networks. But, increasingly, app marketers are looking outside of these traditional search and social channels to find new audiences and the right users.

April 21, 2022 What We Learned About ATT and SKAN a Year Later

A year into ATT, we take a look back at how Apple’s privacy measures have impacted mobile attribution, how fears may have been overblown, and the questions some still have.

January 22, 2022 Supply Outside of Paid Search and Social Media Explained

The supply landscape outside of paid search and social media is vast and sometimes confusing, but is an integral part of growth strategies. Dive into the different channels available to user acquisition teams, and the pros and cons of each.

December 14, 2021 Q&A: FeedMob CEO, Andrew Tan, on the Future of Mobile

Get expert insight into the future of mobile user acquisition outside of search and social media from FeedMob’s Andrew Tan. He weighs in on Facebook, first-party data, and changes in the fraud landscape.

November 14, 2021 How Carrier and OEM Placements Can Help You Grow Your App

OEM placements are an increasingly important part of mobile user acquisition strategy. Learn more about what’s driving the popularity of OEM and how this ad inventory can help you reach your growth goals.

October 22, 2021 Q&A: First-Party Data and Other User Acquisition Trends with FeedMob’s Eric Willner

Explore the changing user acquisition landscape outside of search and social with Eric Willner, FeedMob’s strategic account director. Learn about the increasing importance of first-party data and the channels our clients are embracing.

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